Tuesday, October 22, 2019
The Gifted Cant Weigh That Giraffe
The Gifted Cant Weigh That Giraffe Introduction The main purpose of school is to educate individuals in society to school is an essential tool of transformation for students. Education plays a significant role in influencing a student’s overall perspective of life and their ability to perform. The increase in population and cultural change continue to place huge expectation on the school. The school’s responsibility is not only to teach basic arithmetic, reading and writing skills, but also influence the students to have an influence on society in general.Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on The Gifted Cant Weigh That Giraffe specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More The role of schools in contemporary society Schools have the mandate to provide educational programs, which are important to develop integrated systems. These should model service delivery where these systems come together; community organizations, judiciary and other social services. In stead of the school system duplicating effort, it would ensure a smooth transition from school to work place and from youth to adulthood. Most importantly, school experience should influence a positive relationship between school and the entire community. Important factors in the education of students There are several significant factors in the education of students; to ensure the acquisition of skills, knowledge and attitude to develop personal meaning relevant to their personal experiences (Case 1). In the formulation of programs and policies that are inclusive, it is important for educators to understand that every student is unique. The curriculum creation should therefore involve creation of an enabling environment and appropriate teaching techniques. These have to respond to changes in society that include cultural and technological advancement. Education should be able to relate to personal growth, attitude, behavior and general awareness of important aspects of life. The re levance of teaching techniques should keep up with the pace of technological advancement. Teaching methods perhaps, have not kept pace with our fast-paced technical society and cultural changes. They should be contextual regarding students ability, education resources and relevance of the curriculum. In the illustration to the gifted students, the teacher attempts to show how birds learn to fly. These open ended questions do not tap into the student’s initiative, to provide innovative ideas, therefore unsuccessful (Case 1). On the contrary, the use of how to weigh a giraffe illustration allows students to be creative. Therefore, it is important for the teacher to switch from a teacher-centered to a student centered classroom. It is important for all stakeholders to get involved. The parents should evaluate their value of expectations on schools to teach their children life lessons. Identify this and play their respective roles without necessarily blaming educators, education polices or funding by the government.Advertising Looking for essay on education? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More The environment at home has an impact on the student’s achievement at school. Without excessive expectations exacted on them by parents and educators, students tend to move from fear of making mistakes and criticism to the ability of making sound decisions (Case 1). Both gifted and low achievers need not only the text book experience but also problem solving skills which encourage innovation and entrepreneurship. School experience in forming responsible citizens It is common for many people to acknowledge that their school experience has been relevant in making them respectful and responsible citizens. Although, one cannot be entirely dependent on experience to prepare them for life, education plays a key role to this effect. The importance of education should be rooted in relevance, technology and inspirational to further learning (Case 1). The emphases in learning should be based on organizational skills, problem – solving, creativity and decision – making. Appropriate training better equips students to meet both their immediate and future needs. Activities in school prepare students to be better citizens; leadership roles assigned in school, equip students to be responsible future leaders. Hence, classroom experience is relevant to making unique, analytical and informed citizens. Conclusion In essence, school functions as a preparation for the future and success in different aspects of life. The school experience that acknowledges student’s unique abilities, develops individual students to become productive and responsible, as well as professional at their places of work. Roles assigned in school develop students to become responsible citizens. Case 1: â€Å"The Gifted Can’t Weigh That Giraffe†. 2011. Film
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